Campaigns You Can Support

Don pour la reconstruction de la première mosquée de la ville de Québec: ENNOUR (1992).

Ce Ramadan, renforcez notre mosquée locale, un centre vital de culte, d'éducation et de soutien communautaire. Grâce au généreux partenariat d'Islamic Relief Canada, donnez du fond du cœur ce Ramadan et gagnez des récompenses continues pour les générations à venir. Faites un don dès aujourd'hui ! Pour chaque don de 2 $, l'IRC versera 1 $ de plus.

23 492,00 raised of 200 000,00
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Help North Valley Islamic Centre Pay off the Masjid Land

This Ramadan, strengthen our local masjid - a vital centre of worship, education, and community support. With the generous partnership of Islamic Relief Canada, give from your heart this Ramadan and earn ongoing rewards for generations to come. Donate today and be part of this legacy! For every $2 donated, IRC will match $1

5 300,00 raised of 80 000,00
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Mosque Sustainers (Omar Almasajid) - Ottawa Muslim Association

This Ramadan, strengthen our local masjid - a vital centre of worship, education, and community support. With the generous partnership of Islamic Relief Canada, give from your heart this Ramadan and earn ongoing rewards for generations to come. Donate today and be part of this legacy! For every $2 donated, IRC will match $1

23 215,00 raised of 100 000,00
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Support Sabeel Muslim Youth and Community Centre

Sabeel Muslim Youth and Community Centre was established to accommodate the rising immigration numbers of new families into Nova Scotia. The Muslim community in Nova Scotia is growing exponentially and the demand for services and activities is on the rise, making a center like Sabeel extremely necessary. Allahamdullilah, aside from being a place of worship where Muslims can fulfill their daily prayers, Sabeel Muslim Youth & Community Center is a nonprofit organization whose main focus is to support the development & growth of the Muslim youth within the community through the advancement of educational, social, religious initiatives and activities seeking to revive and strengthen the Muslim identity. This Ramadan, maximize your donation! With our generous partnership with Islamic Relief Canada, for every $2 donated, IRC will match your donation with $1!

40 300,00 raised of 200 000,00
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Soutenez École de l'Excellence

L'avenir de notre Oumma dépend de l'éducation que nous donnons à nos enfants aujourd'hui. L'École de l'Excellence se consacre à l'épanouissement des jeunes esprits musulmans, en combinant l'excellence académique avec une base solide en études islamiques, en Coran et en arabe. Pour soutenir cette noble mission, nous avons besoin de votre aide. L’École fait face à des dettes pour le paiement de la bâtisse qu’elle loue. Il lui reste à payer 1 982 000$. Ce Ramadan, maximisez vos dons! Grâce au généreux partenariat avec Islamic Relief Canada, pour chaque 2 $ donné, IRC versera 1 $

2 687,00 raised of 100 000,00
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ISNA Canada| Help Mostafa Empower the Next Generation with MYNA

Our youth are our future—and they need guidance, community, and opportunities to thrive. The Muslim Youth of North America (MYNA) is dedicated to empowering young Muslims through camps, mentorship programs, leadership training, and community-building experiences that inspire faith, confidence, and connection. This Ramadan, maximize your donations!

320,00 raised of 20 000,00
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