Campaigns You Can Support
Support Islamic Society of Regina
This Ramadan, strengthen our local masjids—vital centers of worship, education, and community support. With the generous partnership of Islamic Relief Canada, for every $2 donated, IRC will match $1. The Islamic Society of Regina (ISR) plays a crucial role in serving the Muslim community as the only mosque in the northwest area and the sole manager of Regina’s Muslim cemetery, ensuring proper Islamic burial rites. ISR also hosts community Iftars and outreach programs, fostering unity and support. Give from your heart this Ramadan and be part of this lasting legacy. Donate today and earn ongoing rewards for generations to come!
Support Markaz Ul Islam Congregation of Fort McMurray
The Markaz is more than just a masjid—it’s a vital center for worship, education, and community support. Our current and future services include religious counseling, youth programs, parenting support, crisis management, marriage and funeral services, domestic community projects, and emergency response during natural disasters. This Ramadan, help us strengthen The Markaz! With the generous partnership of Islamic Relief Canada, your donation will go even further—for every $2 donated, IRC will match $1. Give from your heart and earn ongoing rewards for generations to come. Be part of this legacy. Donate today!
First Property Purchase: Qardh Hasanah (Loan) Re-Payment
This Ramadan, strengthen our local masjid - a vital centre of worship, education, and community support. With the generous partnership of Islamic Relief Canada, give from your heart this Ramadan and earn ongoing rewards for generations to come. Donate today and be part of this legacy! For every $2 donated, IRC will match $1 up to $5000.00
Sajjal & MacIR Palestine Appeal Fundraiser
Help Sajjal and the McMaster community fundraise for the Palestine emergency appeal! Your contribution, no matter the size, brings hope and relief to those who need it the most. Donate today and be a part of this meaningful cause.
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